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2 Resultados de traducción para running down en español

verb | adjective

run down verb

unfavorite favorite
ran down, has ran down, is running down, runs down
agotado, cansado

Ejemplos de uso de
run down verb

  • finally ran down the answer after hours of research
  • constantly running down the city's cultural life won't do anything to improve it

run-down adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
ruinoso, destartalado; cansado, débil
word of the day image
An old run-down car

Ejemplos de uso de
run-down adjective

  • This beautiful renovated house was completely run-down when we bought it.
  • After several days of hard work and sleepless nights, she felt tired and run-down.
  • His run-down spirit finally found a bit of hope.

Sinónimos de
run-down adjective

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Traducción inversa para running down

agotado  - to exhaust, to use up, to weary, to wear out, to sell out, to run out 
cansado  - to be tiresome, to wear out, to tire 
ruinoso  - run-down, dilapidated, ruinous, disastrous, seedy 
destartalado  - dilapidated, tumbledown 
cansado  - tired, tiresome, wearying 
débil  - weak, feeble